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  • Leigh B Stoller's avatar
    The rest of the virt_node_attributes table support. You can do this in · 51552904
    Leigh B Stoller authored
    your NS file:
    	$node0 add-attribute jailip
    	$node0 add-attribute jailipmask
    to override the default jail ip assignment. Use this carefully of
    course since there is no checking yet.
    You can also do something like this:
    	$myboss add-attribute XEN_EXTRADISKS "disk1:10G,disk2:10G,disk3:10G"
    	$myops  add-attribute XEN_EXTRADISKS "disk1:4G,disk2:10G"
    which will add these extra disks to your xen containers. Note that
    this requires clientside changes from another commit to be installed
    in the XEN image.