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  • Leigh B Stoller's avatar
    Change to run DHCP on a specific set of interfaces. When XENVIFROUTING · 3c3918cb
    Leigh B Stoller authored
    is off, this is just the control net interface (xenbr0). But when
    XENVIFROUTING is on, we want to listen on the control net bridge plus
    all of the container vifs. Since these are not created until the
    container is started, we have to call restartDHCP from emulab-cnet (we
    were already doing that), and now we also call reconfigDHCP() when the
    contain is destroyed so that interface list is correct (note that DHCPD
    does not seem to care if an interface dissappears, or even if an
    interface does not exist when starting.
    The main point here, is that on shared nodes we have to restrict the
    number of interfaces that DHCPd listens on (or even looks at) since it
    can be 100s, and dhcpd was taking well over a minute to start up each
    Aside; minor change to not look at the IP config for bridges, just the
    mac. Takes to long when there are 100s of bridges.