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  • Leigh B Stoller's avatar
    Deal with a problem that surfaced on FreeBSD 9.0 and associated ports. · 2e1ba24a
    Leigh B Stoller authored
    The problem is with the chunking that apache does to avoid having
    to read the entire response, so it can set the Content-Length header
    properly. I have no idea who apache does chunking, but on the 9.0
    client it was getting confused and trash characters were leaking into
    the data. The trash is probably the result of the client getting out
    of sync. 
    Anyway, I do not know who is at fault (client code or our ancient
    apache server), but after many hours of screwing around I found out
    how to prevent the client from getting chunked data from the server.
    Basically, you have to force the request to be sent as HTTP/1.0
    instead of 1.1, which tells apache to not chunk the data. In general
    this is not a good thing to do, but in this case the RPCs are pretty
    small and not on a critical performance path. We can revisit when we
    upgrade our boss to apache 2.X ...