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  • Leigh B. Stoller's avatar
    Pump up dhcpd_makeconf ... · 29b8c214
    Leigh B. Stoller authored
    * Add -i option to install the new dhcpd file into place, backing up
      the old version. Does not restart dhcpd though; that is left to
      someone else at the moment. May change later. Without -i, works as
      before, writing the new config file to stdout. Of course, must use
      the standard locking protocol to serialize when using -i, lest we
      end up with a garbled dhcpd.conf file.
    * Add -t option to specify the template file. Changed default
      behaviour so that without any args, uses the template file in
      /usr/local/etc. Together with -i option, this moves the two
      hardwired paths to a single place (script).
    * Changed how utiils/newnode script calls dhcpd_makeconf (call with
      just -i option to let dhcpd_makeconf handle all that icky stuff).
    * Changed how install/boss-install script calls dhcpd_makeconf (call with
      just -i option to let dhcpd_makeconf handle all that icky stuff).
    * Also change boss-install to use install target in dhcpd directory,
      to install the template file.