diff --git a/www/resendapproval.php b/www/resendapproval.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..77d0dd0e38a58941f0f2bd5be568417a30f24671
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/resendapproval.php
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2000-2003, 2005, 2006 University of Utah and the Flux Group.
+# All rights reserved.
+# Only known and logged in users can do this.
+$this_user = CheckLoginOrDie();
+$uid       = $this_user->uid();
+$isadmin   = ISADMIN();
+PAGEHEADER("Resend Project Approval Message");
+if (!$isadmin) {
+    USERERROR("You do not have permission to access this page!", 1);
+# Verify form arguments.
+if (!isset($pid) ||
+    strcmp($pid, "") == 0) {
+    USERERROR("You must provide a Project ID.", 1);
+# Confirm target is a real project,
+if (! ($target_project = Project::Lookup($pid))) {
+    USERERROR("The project $pid is not a valid project", 1);
+if (! ($leader = $target_project->GetLeader())) {
+    TBERROR("Error getting leader for $pid", 1);
+$headuid       = $leader->uid();
+$headuid_email = $leader->email();
+$headname      = $leader->name();
+TBMAIL("$headname '$headuid' <$headuid_email>",
+         "Project '$pid' Approval",
+         "\n".
+	 "This message is to notify you that your project '$pid'\n".
+	 "has been approved.  We recommend that you save this link so that\n".
+	 "you can send it to people you wish to have join your project.\n".
+	 "Otherwise, tell them to go to ${TBBASE} and join it.\n".
+	 "\n".
+	 "    ${TBBASE}/joinproject.php3?target_pid=$pid\n".
+         "\n".
+         "Thanks,\n".
+         "Testbed Operations\n",
+         "From: $TBMAIL_APPROVAL\n".
+         "Bcc: $TBMAIL_APPROVAL\n".
+         "Errors-To: $TBMAIL_WWW");
+echo "<center>
+      <h2>Done!</h2>
+      </center><br>\n";
+PAGEREPLACE(CreateURL("showproject", $target_project));
+# Standard Testbed Footer
diff --git a/www/showproject.php3 b/www/showproject.php3
index 0aa747a5c8cbc5e1954b7a3f0247569b1579886f..f9889034525f3f9d4dab20300b953e46a1dd5c61 100644
--- a/www/showproject.php3
+++ b/www/showproject.php3
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ if ($isadmin) {
     WRITESUBMENUBUTTON("Delete this project",
+    WRITESUBMENUBUTTON("Resend Approval Message",
+		       "resendapproval.php?pid=$pid");