From dc7440ebff8486d174a5adc26f679d55989a6523 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Leigh B. Stoller" <>
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2004 21:11:50 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Started out adding node type mapping changes for Mike, but
 ended up redoing the entire editimage page.

 www/dbcheck.php3          |   8 +
 www/editimageid.php3      | 560 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 www/editimageid_form.php3 |  47 ----
 www/newimageid.php3       |   2 +-
 www/newimageid_ez.php3    |   2 +-
 www/showimageid.php3      |   2 +-
 6 files changed, 483 insertions(+), 138 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 www/editimageid_form.php3

diff --git a/www/dbcheck.php3 b/www/dbcheck.php3
index 1a29e67487..f5cd1ae119 100644
--- a/www/dbcheck.php3
+++ b/www/dbcheck.php3
@@ -276,3 +276,11 @@ function TBvalid_node_id($token) {
     return TBcheck_dbslot($token, "nodes", "node_id",
+function TBvalid_imageid($token) {
+    return TBcheck_dbslot($token, "images", "imageid",
+function TBvalid_imagename($token) {
+    return TBcheck_dbslot($token, "images", "imagename",
diff --git a/www/editimageid.php3 b/www/editimageid.php3
index fea6464fed..0211f78a4f 100644
--- a/www/editimageid.php3
+++ b/www/editimageid.php3
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 # Standard Testbed Header
@@ -13,25 +14,24 @@ include("showstuff.php3");
 PAGEHEADER("Edit Image Descriptor");
-# Only known and logged in users allowed.
+# Only known and logged in users!
 $uid = GETLOGIN();
 $isadmin = ISADMIN($uid);
-# Verify form arguments.
-if (!isset($imageid) ||
-    strcmp($imageid, "") == 0) {
-    USERERROR("You must provide an ImageID.", 1);
+# Must get the imageid as a page argument.
+if (!isset($imageid) || $imageid == "") {
+    PAGEARGERROR("Must supply an imageid!");
-if (! TBValidImageID($imageid)) {
-    USERERROR("ImageID '$imageid' is not a valid ImageID!", 1);
+if (!TBvalid_imageid($imageid)) {
+    PAGEARGERROR("Invalid characters in imageid!");
+if (!TBValidImageID($imageid)) {
+    PAGEARGERROR("No such imageid!");
 # Verify permission.
 if (!TBImageIDAccessCheck($uid, $imageid, $TB_IMAGEID_MODIFYINFO)) {
@@ -39,127 +39,511 @@ if (!TBImageIDAccessCheck($uid, $imageid, $TB_IMAGEID_MODIFYINFO)) {
-# Need the gid for path checking.
+# Need a list of node types. We join this over the nodes table so that
+# we get a list of just the nodes that currently in the testbed, not
+# just in the node_types table.
-$query_result =
-    DBQueryFatal("select * from images where imageid='$imageid'");
-$row = mysql_fetch_array($query_result);
-$gid = $row['gid'];
-$pid = $row['pid'];
-$shared = $row['shared'];
+$types_result =
+    DBQueryFatal("select distinct n.type from nodes as n ".
+		 "left join node_types as nt on n.type=nt.type ".
+		 "where nt.imageable=1");
-# Sanitize values and create string pieces.
-if (isset($description) && strcmp($description, "")) {
-    $foo = addslashes($description);
+# Spit the form out using the array of data. 
+function SPITFORM($imageid, $formfields, $errors)
+    global $uid, $isadmin, $types_result;
-    $description = "'$foo'";
+    if ($errors) {
+	echo "<table class=nogrid
+                     align=center border=0 cellpadding=6 cellspacing=0>
+              <tr>
+                 <th align=center colspan=2>
+                   <font size=+1 color=red>
+                      &nbsp;Oops, please fix the following errors!&nbsp;
+                   </font>
+                 </td>
+              </tr>\n";
+	while (list ($name, $message) = each ($errors)) {
+	    echo "<tr>
+                     <td align=right>
+                       <font color=red>$name:&nbsp;</font></td>
+                     <td align=left>
+                       <font color=red>$message</font></td>
+                  </tr>\n";
+	}
+	echo "</table><br>\n";
+    }
+    echo "<br>
+          <table align=center border=1> 
+          <form action='editimageid.php3?imageid=$imageid'
+                method=post name=idform>\n";
+    #
+    # Imagename
+    #
+    echo "<tr>
+              <td>ImageID:</td>
+              <td class=left>" . $formfields[imagename] . "</td>
+          </tr>\n";
+    #
+    # Project
+    #
+    echo "<tr>
+              <td>Project:</td>
+              <td class=left>" . $formfields[pid] . "</td>
+          </tr>\n";
+    #
+    # Group
+    # 
+    echo "<tr>
+              <td>Group:</td>
+              <td class=left>" . $formfields[gid] . "</td>
+          </tr>\n";
+    #
+    # Image Name:
+    #
+    echo "<tr>
+              <td>Descriptor Name:</td>
+              <td class=left>" . $formfields[imagename] . "</td>
+          </tr>\n";
+    #
+    # Description
+    #
+    echo "<tr>
+              <td>Description:</td>
+              <td class=left>
+                  <input type=text
+                         name=\"formfields[description]\"
+                         value=\"" . $formfields[description] . "\"
+	                 size=50>
+              </td>
+          </tr>\n";
+    #
+    # Load Partition
+    #
+    echo "<tr>
+              <td>Load Partition:</td>
+              <td class=left>" . $formfields[loadpart] . "</td>
+          </tr>\n";
+    #
+    # Load Length
+    #
+    echo "<tr>
+              <td>Load Partition:</td>
+              <td class=left>" . $formfields[loadlength] . "</td>
+          </tr>\n";
+    echo "<tr>
+             <td>Partition 1 OS: </td>
+             <td class=\"left\">";
+    if (isset($formfields[part1_osid]))
+	SPITOSINFOLINK($formfields[part1_osid]);
+    else
+	echo "No OS";
+    echo "   </td>
+          </tr>\n";
+    echo "<tr>
+             <td>Partition 2 OS: </td>
+             <td class=\"left\">";
+    if (isset($formfields[part2_osid]))
+	SPITOSINFOLINK($formfields[part2_osid]);
+    else
+	echo "No OS";
+    echo "   </td>
+          </tr>\n";
+    echo "<tr>
+             <td>Partition 3 OS: </td>
+             <td class=\"left\">";
+    if (isset($formfields[part3_osid]))
+	SPITOSINFOLINK($formfields[part3_osid]);
+    else
+	echo "No OS";
+    echo "   </td>
+          </tr>\n";
+    echo "<tr>
+             <td>Partition 4 OS: </td>
+             <td class=\"left\">";
+    if (isset($formfields[part4_osid]))
+	SPITOSINFOLINK($formfields[part4_osid]);
+    else
+	echo "No OS";
+    echo "   </td>
+          </tr>\n";
+    echo "<tr>
+             <td>Boot OS: </td>
+             <td class=\"left\">";
+    if (isset($formfields[default_osid]))
+	SPITOSINFOLINK($formfields[default_osid]);
+    else
+	echo "No OS";
+    echo "   </td>
+          </tr>\n";
+    #
+    # Path to image.
+    #
+    echo "<tr>
+              <td>Filename</td>
+              <td class=left>
+                  <input type=text
+                         name=\"formfields[path]\"
+                         value=\"" . $formfields[path] . "\"
+	                 size=50>
+              </td>
+          </tr>\n";
+    #
+    # Node Types.
+    #
+    echo "<tr>
+              <td>Node Types:</td>
+              <td>\n";
+    mysql_data_seek($types_result, 0);
+    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($types_result)) {
+        $type    = $row[type];
+        $checked = "";
+        if (strcmp($formfields["mtype_$type"], "Yep") == 0)
+	    $checked = "checked";
+        echo "<input $checked type=checkbox
+                     value=Yep name=\"formfields[mtype_$type]\">
+                     $type &nbsp
+              </input>\n";
+    }
+    echo "    </td>
+          </tr>\n";
+    #
+    # Shared?
+    #
+    echo "<tr>
+  	      <td>Shared?:</td>
+              <td class=left>" . ($formfields[shared] ? "Yes" : "No") . "</td>
+          </tr>\n";
+    #
+    # Global?
+    #
+    echo "<tr>
+  	      <td>Global?:</td>
+              <td class=left>" . ($formfields[shared] ? "Yes" : "No") . "</td>
+          </tr>\n";
+    echo "<tr>
+            <td>Load Address: </td>
+            <td class=left>\n";
+    if ($isadmin) {
+	echo "  <input type=text
+                       name=\"formfields[load_address]\"
+                       value=\"" . $formfields[load_address] . "\"
+	               size=20 maxlength=256>";
+    }
+    else {
+	echo "$loadaddr";
+    }
+    echo "  </td>
+          </tr>\n";
+    echo "<tr>
+            <td>Frisbee pid: </td>
+            <td class=left>\n";
+    if ($isadmin) {
+	echo "  <input type=text
+                       name=\"formfields[frisbee_pid]\"
+                       value=\"" . $formfields[frisbee_pid] . "\"
+	               size=6 maxlength=10>";
+    }
+    else {
+	echo "$frisbee_pid";
+    }
+    echo "  </td>
+          </tr>\n";
+    echo "<tr>
+              <td align=center colspan=2>
+                 <b><input type=submit name=submit value=Submit></b>
+              </td>
+          </tr>\n";
+    echo "</form>
+          </table>\n";
-else {
-    $description = "NULL";
+# Need this below.
+$query_result =
+   DBQueryFatal("select * from images where imageid='$imageid'");
+$defaults = mysql_fetch_array($query_result);
+# On first load, display a virgin form and exit.
+if (! $submit) {
+    # Generate the current types array.
+    $image_types =
+	DBQueryFatal("select type from osidtoimageid ".
+		     "where imageid='$imageid'");
+    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($image_types)) {
+	$type = $row['type'];
+	$defaults["mtype_${type}"] = "Yep";
+    }
+    SPITFORM($imageid, $defaults, 0);
+    return;
-if (isset($magic) && strcmp($magic, "")) {
-    $foo = addslashes($magic);
-    $magic = "'$foo'";
+# Otherwise, must validate and redisplay if errors
+$errors     = array();
+$updates    = array();
+$osid_array = array();
+if (!isset($formfields[description]) ||
+    strcmp($formfields[description], "") == 0) {
+    $errors["Description"] = "Missing Field";
+elseif (! TBvalid_description($formfields[description])) {
+    $errors["Description"] = TBFieldErrorString();
 else {
-    $magic = "NULL";
+    $updates[] = "description='" . addslashes($formfields[description]) . "'";
-if (isset($path) && strcmp($path, "")) {
-    if (! ereg("^[-_a-zA-Z0-9\/\.+]+$", $path)) {
-	USERERROR("The path must not contain special characters!", 1);
-    }
-    if (!$isadmin) {
-	$pdef = "";
+if (!isset($formfields[path]) ||
+    strcmp($formfields[path], "") == 0) {
+    $errors["Path"] = "Missing Field";
+elseif (! ereg("^[-_a-zA-Z0-9\/\.+]+$", $formfields[path])) {
+    $errors["Path"] = "Contains invalid characters";
+elseif ($isadmin) {
+    $updates[] = "path='" . $formfields[path] . "'";
+else {
+    $pdef    = "";
+    $shared = $defaults["shared"];
+    $pid    = $defaults["pid"];
+    $gid    = $defaults["gid"];
-	if (!$shared && strcmp($gid, $pid)) {
-	    $pdef = "/groups/" . $pid . "/" . $gid . "/";
-	}
-	else {
-	    $pdef = "/proj/" . $pid . "/";
-	}
+    if (!$shared && strcmp($gid, $pid)) {
+	$pdef = "/groups/" . $pid . "/" . $gid . "/";
+    }
+    else {
+	$pdef = "/proj/" . $pid . "/";
+    }
-	if (strpos($path, $pdef) === false) {
-	    USERERROR("Invalid path! Must reside in $pdef", 1);
-	}
+    if (strpos($formfields[path], $pdef) === false) {
+	$errors["Path"] = "Must reside in $pdef";
-    $path = "'$path'";
-else {
-    $path = "NULL";
+    $updates[] = "path='" . $formfields[path] . "'";
-# Create an update string
+# See what node types this image will work on. Must be at least one!
+# Store the valid types in a new array for simplicity.
-$query_string =
-	"UPDATE images SET             ".
-	"description=$description,     ".
-	"path=$path,                   ".
-	"magic=$magic                  ";
+$mtypes_array = array();
+while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($types_result)) {
+    $type = $row[type];
+    $foo  = $formfields["mtype_$type"];
+    #
+    # Look for a post variable with name.
+    # 
+    if (isset($foo) &&
+	strcmp($foo, "Yep") == 0) {
+	$mtypes_array[] = $type;
+    }
+if (! count($mtypes_array)) {
+    $errors["Node Types"] = "Must select at least one type";
-# Only admins can do this.
+# Only admins can edit the load_address or the frisbee pid.
 if ($isadmin) {
-    if (isset($loadaddr) && strcmp($loadaddr, "")) {
-	$foo = addslashes($loadaddr);
+    if (isset($formfields[load_address]) && $formfields[load_address] != "") {
+	$foo = addslashes($formfields[load_address]);
 	if (strcmp($loadaddr, $foo)) {
-	    USERERROR("The load address contains special characters!", 1);
+	    $errors["Load Address"] = "Contains	illegal characters!";
-	$loadaddr = "'$loadaddr'";
+	$updates[] = "load_address='$foo'";
     else {
-	$loadaddr = "NULL";
+	$updates[] = "load_address=NULL";
-    if (isset($frisbee_pid) && $frisbee_pid != "") {
-	if (! TBvalid_integer($frisbee_pid)) {
-	    USERERROR("The process id must must be a valid integer!", 1);
+    if (isset($formfields[frisbee_pid]) && $formfields[frisbee_pid] != "") {
+	if (! TBvalid_integer($formfields[frisbee_pid])) {
+	    $errors["Frisbee PID"] = "Must must be a valid integer!";
+	$updates[] = "frisbee_pid='" . $formfields[frisbee_pid] . "'";
     else {
-	$frisbee_pid = "NULL";
+	$updates[] = "frisbee_pid=NULL";
-    #
-    # Add to the query string.
-    # 
-    $query_string .= ",".
-        "load_address=$loadaddr,       ".
-        "frisbee_pid=$frisbee_pid      ";
+# If any errors, respit the form with the current values and the
+# error messages displayed. Iterate until happy.
+if (count($errors)) {
+    SPITFORM($imageid, $formfields, $errors);
+    return;
+# Mereusers are not allowed to create more than one osid/imageid mapping
+# for each machinetype. They cannot actually do that through the EZ form
+# since the osid/imageid has to be unique, but it can happen by mixed
+# use of the long form and the short form, or with multiple uses of the
+# long form. 
+$typeclause = "type=" . "'$mtypes_array[0]'";
+for ($i = 1; $i < count($mtypes_array); $i++) {
+    $typeclause = "$typeclause or type=" . "'$mtypes_array[$i]'";
-$query_string = "$query_string WHERE imageid='$imageid'";
+for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) {
+    # Local variable dynamically created.    
+    $foo      = "part${i}_osid";
+    if (isset($defaults[$foo])) {
+	if (isset($osidclause))
+	    $osidclause = "$osidclause or osid='" . $defaults[$foo] . "' ";
+	else 
+	    $osidclause = "osid='" . $defaults[$foo] . "' ";
+	$osid_array[] = $defaults[$foo];
+    }
+DBQueryFatal("lock tables images write, os_info write, osidtoimageid write");
+$query_result =
+    DBQueryFatal("select osidtoimageid.*,,images.imagename ".
+		 " from osidtoimageid ".
+		 "left join images on ".
+		 " images.imageid=osidtoimageid.imageid ".
+		 "where ($osidclause) and ($typeclause) and ".
+		 "      images.imageid!='$imageid'");
-$insert_result = DBQueryFatal($query_string);
+if (mysql_num_rows($query_result)) {
+	DBQueryFatal("unlock tables");
-SHOWIMAGEID($imageid, 0, $isadmin);
+	echo "<center>
+              There are other image descriptors that specify the 
+	      same OS descriptors for the same node types.<br>
+              There must be a
+	      unique mapping of OS descriptor to Image descriptor for
+              each node type! Perhaps you need to delete one of the
+              images below, or create a new OS descriptor to use in
+              this new Image descriptor.
+              </center><br>\n";
+	echo "<table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 align='center'>\n";
+	echo "<tr>
+                  <td align=center>OSID</td>
+                  <td align=center>Type</td>
+                  <td align=center>ImageID</td>
+             </tr>\n";
+	while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query_result)) {
+	    $imageid   = $row['imageid'];
+	    $url       = rawurlencode($imageid);
+	    $osid      = $row[osid];
+	    $type      = $row[type];
+	    $imagename = $row[imagename];
+	    echo "<tr>
+                      <td>$osid</td>
+	              <td>$type</td>
+                      <td><A href='showimageid.php3?&imageid=$url'>
+                             $imagename</A></td>
+	          </tr>\n";
+	}
+	echo "</table><br><br>\n";
+	USERERROR("Please check the other Image descriptors and make the ".
+		  "necessary changes!", 1);
-# Edit option.
+# Update the images table.
+DBQueryFatal("update images set ".
+	     implode(",", $updates) . " ".
+	     "where imageid='$imageid'");
+# And the osidtoimageid table.
+# Must delete old entries first.
+DBQueryFatal("delete from osidtoimageid ".
+	     "where imageid='$imageid'");
+for ($i = 0; $i < count($mtypes_array); $i++) {
+    for ($j = 0; $j < count($osid_array); $j++) {
+	DBQueryFatal("REPLACE INTO osidtoimageid ".
+		     "(osid, type, imageid) ".
+		     "VALUES ('$osid_array[$j]', '$mtypes_array[$i]', ".
+		     "        '$imageid')");
+    }
+DBQueryFatal("unlock tables");
+SUBMENUSTART("More Options");
 $fooid = rawurlencode($imageid);
-echo "<br><center>
-           <A href='editimageid_form.php3?imageid=$fooid'>
-              Edit this ImageID?</a>
-         </center>\n";
+WRITESUBMENUBUTTON("Edit this Image Descriptor",
+		   "editimageid.php3?imageid=$fooid");
+WRITESUBMENUBUTTON("Delete this Image Descriptor",
+		   "deleteimageid.php3?imageid=$fooid");
+WRITESUBMENUBUTTON("Create a new Image Descriptor",
+		   "newimageid_ez.php3");
+WRITESUBMENUBUTTON("Create a new OS Descriptor",
+		   "newosid_form.php3");
+WRITESUBMENUBUTTON("Image Descriptor list",
+		   "showimageid_list.php3");
+		   "showosid_list.php3");
-# Delete option.
-echo "<br><center>
-           <A href='deleteimageid.php3?&imageid=$fooid'>
-              Delete this ImageID?</a>
-         </center>\n";
-echo "<br><br>\n";
+# Dump record.
+SHOWIMAGEID($imageid, 0);
 # Standard Testbed Footer
diff --git a/www/editimageid_form.php3 b/www/editimageid_form.php3
deleted file mode 100644
index 12c1f0ed53..0000000000
--- a/www/editimageid_form.php3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2000-2002 University of Utah and the Flux Group.
-# All rights reserved.
-# Standard Testbed Header
-PAGEHEADER("Edit Image Descriptor");
-# Only known and logged in users can end experiments.
-$uid = GETLOGIN();
-$isadmin = ISADMIN($uid);
-# Verify form arguments.
-if (!isset($imageid) ||
-    strcmp($imageid, "") == 0) {
-    USERERROR("You must provide an ImageID.", 1);
-if (! TBValidImageID($imageid)) {
-    USERERROR("ImageID '$imageid' is not a valid ImageID $pid!", 1);
-# Verify permission.
-if (!TBImageIDAccessCheck($uid, $imageid, $TB_IMAGEID_MODIFYINFO)) {
-    USERERROR("You do not have permission to access ImageID $imageid!", 1);
-SHOWIMAGEID($imageid, 1, $isadmin);
-# Standard Testbed Footer
diff --git a/www/newimageid.php3 b/www/newimageid.php3
index 799f2037aa..4aafd9e769 100644
--- a/www/newimageid.php3
+++ b/www/newimageid.php3
@@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ SUBMENUSTART("More Options");
 if (! isset($node)) {
     $fooid = rawurlencode($imageid);
     WRITESUBMENUBUTTON("Edit this Image Descriptor",
-		       "editimageid_form.php3?imageid=$fooid");
+		       "editimageid.php3?imageid=$fooid");
     WRITESUBMENUBUTTON("Delete this Image Descriptor",
diff --git a/www/newimageid_ez.php3 b/www/newimageid_ez.php3
index 88043269ed..97388db97a 100644
--- a/www/newimageid_ez.php3
+++ b/www/newimageid_ez.php3
@@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@ SUBMENUSTART("More Options");
 if (! isset($node)) {
     $fooid = rawurlencode($imageid);
     WRITESUBMENUBUTTON("Edit this Image Descriptor",
-		       "editimageid_form.php3?imageid=$fooid");
+		       "editimageid.php3?imageid=$fooid");
     WRITESUBMENUBUTTON("Delete this Image Descriptor",
diff --git a/www/showimageid.php3 b/www/showimageid.php3
index 72d4dfb2d8..86f1243831 100644
--- a/www/showimageid.php3
+++ b/www/showimageid.php3
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ SUBPAGESTART();
 SUBMENUSTART("More Options");
 $fooid = rawurlencode($imageid);
 WRITESUBMENUBUTTON("Edit this Image Descriptor",
-		   "editimageid_form.php3?imageid=$fooid");
+		   "editimageid.php3?imageid=$fooid");
 WRITESUBMENUBUTTON("Snapshot Node Disk into Image",
 WRITESUBMENUBUTTON("Delete this Image Descriptor",