diff --git a/account/mkusercert.in b/account/mkusercert.in
index 3755dad62bdac1c7d262fc54616dce1505228c40..6a61d23ec4a35228a9f7ada46adae5f58115ba14 100644
--- a/account/mkusercert.in
+++ b/account/mkusercert.in
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/perl -wT
-# Copyright (c) 2000-2008 University of Utah and the Flux Group.
+# Copyright (c) 2000-2011 University of Utah and the Flux Group.
 # All rights reserved.
 use strict;
@@ -22,14 +22,15 @@ use User;
 sub usage()
-    print("Usage: mkusercert [-d] [-o] [-g] [-p password] <user>\n");
+    print("Usage: mkusercert [-d] [-o] [-r] [-g] [-p password] <user>\n");
-my $optlist  = "dp:og";
+my $optlist  = "dp:ogr";
 my $debug    = 0;
 my $output   = 0;
 my $password = "";
 my $geniflag = 0;
+my $reusekey = 0;
 # Configure variables
@@ -93,6 +94,7 @@ $| = 1;
 # Function prototypes
 sub fatal($);
+sub UserFatal($);
 # Rewrite audit version of ARGV to prevent password in mail logs.
@@ -116,6 +118,9 @@ if (! getopts($optlist, \%options)) {
 if (defined($options{"d"})) {
     $debug = 1;
+if (defined($options{"r"})) {
+    $reusekey = 1;
 if (defined($options{"g"})) {
     $geniflag = 1;
@@ -144,6 +149,9 @@ if (@ARGV != 1) {
 if ($geniflag && !$encrypted) {
     fatal("GENI certs must be encrypted (use -p password).");
+if ($reusekey && !$encrypted) {
+    fatal("Cannot reuse the key for an unencrypted cert (use -p password).");
 my $user = $ARGV[0];
@@ -168,16 +176,6 @@ if (! defined($this_user)) {
     fatal("You ($UID) do not exist!");
-# This script is always audited. Mail is sent automatically upon exit.
-if (AuditStart(0)) {
-    #
-    # Parent exits normally
-    #
-    exit(0);
 # CD to the workdir, and then serialize on the lock file since there is
 # some shared goop that the ssl tools muck with (serial number, index, etc.).
@@ -188,6 +186,54 @@ chdir("$WORKDIR") or
 TBScriptLock("mkusercert") == 0 or
     fatal("Could not get the lock!");
+# Create a client side cert. Reuse the original key if are told to,
+# and it actually exists, and the password is valid.
+# Do this before the AuditStart() so that user error goes back to web.
+my $reqargs = "";
+if ($reusekey) {
+    my $privkey;
+    my $cert;
+    if ($target_user->SSLCert(1, \$cert, \$privkey)) {
+	$reusekey = 0;
+	goto newkey;
+    }
+    open(KEYF, "> usercert_key.pem") or
+	fatal("Could not create file to store existing private key");
+    print KEYF "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n";
+    print KEYF $privkey;
+    print KEYF "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n";
+    close(KEYF);
+    #
+    # Make sure the user provided the proper passphrase. 
+    #
+    system("$OPENSSL rsa -check -in usercert_key.pem ".
+	   "  -passin 'pass:${sh_password}' -noout >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0
+	   or UserFatal("Cannot decrypt private key. Correct pass phrase?");
+    $reqargs  = "-key usercert_key.pem -passin 'pass:${sh_password}' ";
+else {
+  newkey:
+    $reqargs  = "-keyout usercert_key.pem";
+    $reqargs .= ($encrypted ? " -passout 'pass:${sh_password}' " : " -nodes ")
+# This script is always audited. Mail is sent automatically upon exit.
+if (AuditStart(0)) {
+    #
+    # Parent exits normally
+    #
+    exit(0);
 # Get the user info (the user being operated on).
@@ -267,8 +313,7 @@ close(TEMP)
 # Create a client side private key and certificate request.
 system("$OPENSSL req -new -config usercert.cnf ".
-       ($encrypted ? " -passout 'pass:${sh_password}' " : " -nodes ") .
-       " -keyout usercert_key.pem -out usercert_req.pem") == 0
+       "$reqargs -out usercert_req.pem") == 0
     or fatal("Could not create certificate request");
@@ -421,3 +466,11 @@ sub fatal($) {
     die("*** $0:\n".
 	"    $mesg\n");
+sub UserFatal($) {
+    my($mesg) = $_[0];
+    TBScriptUnlock();
+    print STDERR $mesg;
+    # Tell web interface to tell user. 
+    exit(1);
diff --git a/www/gensslcert.php3 b/www/gensslcert.php3
index 9cc16cf70c956f70f42c060ca068b24bb0c170ad..048982e6a3305b4c2312d4445178a1511d1c99b7 100644
--- a/www/gensslcert.php3
+++ b/www/gensslcert.php3
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2000-2009 University of Utah and the Flux Group.
+# Copyright (c) 2000-2011 University of Utah and the Flux Group.
 # All rights reserved.
@@ -128,12 +128,29 @@ function SPITFORM($target_user, $formfields, $errors)
+    if (1) {
+	echo "<tr>
+  	          <td>Reuse Private Key?[<b>3</b>]:</td>
+		  <td class=left>
+		      <input type=checkbox
+			     name=\"formfields[reusekey]\"
+			     value=Yep";
+	if (isset($formfields["reusekey"]) &&
+	    strcmp($formfields["reusekey"], "Yep") == 0)
+	    echo "           checked";
+	echo "                       > Yes
+		  </td>
+	      </tr>\n";
+    }
     # Verify with password.
     if (!$isadmin) {
 	echo "<tr>
-                  <td>Emulab Password[<b>3</b>]:</td>
+                  <td>Emulab Password[<b>4</b>]:</td>
                   <td class=left>
                       <input type=password
@@ -157,7 +174,9 @@ function SPITFORM($target_user, $formfields, $errors)
             <li> You must supply a passphrase to use when encrypting the
                  private key for your SSL certificate. You will be prompted
                  for this passphrase whenever you attempt to use it. Pick
-                 a good one!";
+                 a good one!
+            <li> Reuse your existing private key unless you think it has been
+                 compromised. Must provide correct passphrase for your key.";
     if (!$isadmin) {
 	echo "<li> As a security precaution, you must supply your Emulab user
                  password when creating new ssl certificates. ";
@@ -171,6 +190,7 @@ function SPITFORM($target_user, $formfields, $errors)
 if (! isset($_POST['submit'])) {
     $defaults = array();
+    $defaults["reusekey"] = "Yep";
     SPITFORM($target_user, $defaults, 0);
@@ -237,15 +257,43 @@ if (count($errors)) {
+$reusekey = "";
+if (isset($formfields["reusekey"]) &&
+    strcmp($formfields["reusekey"], "Yep") == 0) {
+    $reusekey = "-r";
 # Insert key, update authkeys files and nodes if appropriate.
 STARTBUSY("Generating Certificate");
-SUEXEC($target_uid, "nobody",
-       "webmkusercert -p " .
-       escapeshellarg($formfields["passphrase1"]) . " $target_uid",
+$retval = SUEXEC($target_uid, "nobody",
+		 "webmkusercert $reusekey -p " .
+		 escapeshellarg($formfields["passphrase1"]) . " $target_uid",
+# Fatal Error. Report to tbops.
+if ($retval < 0) {
+    #
+    # Never returns ...
+    #
+    die("");
+# User Error. Report to user.
+if ($retval > 0) {
+    $errors["PassPhrase"] = $suexec_output;
+    SPITFORM($target_user, $formfields, $errors);
+    return;
 # Redirect back, avoiding a POST in the history.