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  • Leigh B Stoller's avatar
    Changes to idle handling in ProtoGeni slivers · ec076c05
    Leigh B Stoller authored
    When a new sliver is created, they are given a relatively short
    lifetime. This is the value of protogeni/initial_sliver_lifetime and
    defaults to six hours.
    A user may renew a sliver for up to the number of days in
    protogeni/max_sliver_lifetime (defaults to 90 days), except in Utah
    where it is 5 days (Emulab, Utah Rack, Utah DDC Rack).
    The CM daemon idle code looks for idle slivers. An idle sliver is one
    in which 50% of the physical nodes have been idle for three hours.
    (protogeni/idlecheck_threshold). At this point an email message is
    sent to the sliver creator.
    If the sitevar protogeni/idlecheck_norenew is set, then the email
    threatens to mark the sliver as unrenewable if it stays idle. Then, at
    2 * protogeni/idlecheck_threshold, if the sliver is still idle, the
    sliver is marked as unrenewable. No matter what the user does at this
    point, he will not be able to renew the sliver and it will expire out
    If protogeni/idlecheck_norenew is no set, behaviour remains as it is
    now; a followup message is sent every 24 hours.
    There is a new backend script called "setexpiration" that allows an
    aggregate admin person to override the settings on a per-slice basis
    so that users who have a need for a long running sliver do not have to
    continually renew and/or bypas the max_sliver_lifetime setting. For
    boss> wap setexpiration -e YYYY-MM-DD mysliceurn
    will extend the termination date to the given date. To restore the
    default behavour:
    boss> wap setexpiration -E mysliceurn
    Note that idle checks are still made. To turn off idle checks for
    a slice:
    boss> wap setexpiration -i mysliceurn
    To turn then back on:
    boss> wap setexpiration -I mysliceurn