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  • Mac Newbold's avatar
    Add the new fields related to our new swapping features: · de553419
    Mac Newbold authored
       noswap_reason tinytext			- The reason they're unswappable
       idleswap tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0'	- The idleswap bit (for auto. idleswap)
       idleswap_timeout int(4) NOT NULL default '0'	- The timeout for idleswap (in minutes)
       noidleswap_reason tinytext			- The reason they're non-idleswap
       autoswap tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0'	- The autoswap bit
       autoswap_timeout int(4) NOT NULL default '0'	- The timeout for autoswap (in minutes)
    The new form for expt create should fill these in, and swapin will update the idleswap
    timeout if idleswap is set. Idlemail will read these and do the deed as needed.
    They'll also get shown on the new expt display page.
    As soon as we move to the new form, we can nuke priority.