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  • Leigh B. Stoller's avatar
    Checkpoint a set of hacky changes to support your own OSKit kernel · ce613288
    Leigh B. Stoller authored
    via the create-os directive in the NS file.
    tbsetup/ir/handle_os.tcl - Do a valid check for the image given with
    	set-node-os in the NS file, and propogate that information through
            to the IR file. Nothing is added to the DB.
    tbsetup/mkexpdir - Add a tftpboot to the list of experiment directories. The
    	tftpd daemon now allows kernels from /proj.
    tbsetup/os_setup - Very hacky changes to allow for multiboot kernels. Read
    	local images table and cross check against that for nodeos spec.
            Hardwire in "mb" as a special partition tag that says to not try
    	and do too much with it. This should be changed to a DB check of
    	some kind. On reboot, do not wait for these nodes to come alive since
    	there is no way to determine if an oskit kernel (or any foreign)
    	kernel is running.