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  • Mike Hibler's avatar
    First round of client-side support for node-local storage "slices". · c1d21b9a
    Mike Hibler authored
    Supports the three coarse-grained placements we decided on:
      "SYSVOL" is special. You can declare a single blockstore with this
           placement and it will create a "native" (ufs/ext) filesystem on
           the 4th partition of the boot disk. This is how you create an
           extra storage partition that can be captured in a custom image.
           We don't use a volume manager here because imagezip doesn't
           recognize any of them (lvm, zfs, vinum).
      "ANY" coalesces all "available" storage from all disks into a logical
            volume manager pool and dishes out storage from that for
            individual blockstores. Typically this would include, the 4th
        partition of the boot disk (if not in use) and the second hard
        drive. If the machine has more than 2 drives, it will include
        all the extra drives.
      "NONSYSVOL" coalesces all "available" storage that is NOT on the
           boot disk into a logical volume manager pool and dishes out
           storage from that for individual blockstores. This case is if
           you want to avoid interfere with the system disk.
    Only implemented on FreeBSD 8/9 with "vinum" right now. It only creates
    "concat" (JBOD) volumes right now.
    This stuff will probably get split out into its own perl module(s) at
    some point, as it is getting large.
    Next up is LVM on Linux and then maybe ZFS on Freebsd.