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  • Leigh B. Stoller's avatar
    The panic button ... · 87dd2e60
    Leigh B. Stoller authored
    * tbsetup/ New backend script to implement the panic button
      feature. When used, it will cut the severe the connection to the
      firewall node by using snmpit to disable the port. Sets the panic
      bit (and date) in the experiments table, and changes the state of
      the experiment from "active" to "paniced" to ensure that the
      experiment cannot be messed with (swapped out or modified). Sends
      email to tbops when the panic button is pressed.
      Used with -r option, reverses the above. State is set back to
      active, the panic bit is cleared, and the port is renabled with
    * tbsetup/ During swapout, a firewalled experiment that has
      been paniced will get a cleaning; The nodes are powered off, then
      the osids for all the nodes are reset (with os_select) so that they
      will boot the MFS, and then the nodes are powered on. Then the
      control network is turned back on, and then I wait for the nodes to
      reboot (this is simply cause we do not record in the DB th...