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  • Leigh B. Stoller's avatar
    Clean up of the web to batchexp interface: · b6a9b9c2
    Leigh B. Stoller authored
    * Add proper check_slot() calls to all of the user input that is going into
      the DB (already had taint checking), since batchexp is now available for
      interactive use from ops.
    * Remove separate DB insertions of noswap/noidleswap reasons from web
      script, and pass on the command line from web to batchexp. Now inserted
      in the backend script so that they can be provided on the command line
      when batchexp is used interactively.
    * Change defaults in backend script; experiments now default to swappable
      and idleswap; previously defaulted to not swappable and no idleswap.
    * Remove [-s] (swappable) and add [-S <reason>] option. -S sets experiment to
      not swappable, with supplied reason (text string).
    * Add [-L <reason>] option. -L sets experiment to no idleswap, with
      supplied reason (text string).
    * Add several missing table_regex entries for experiments table.