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  • Mike Hibler's avatar
    Sigh... · a071e63f
    Mike Hibler authored
    Yet another version of the enter/exit scripts to get DHCP to work both
    regular- and elabinelab-wise.  For regular experiments, nothing has changed.
    New strategy for inner elab nodes: if we get a reply with dns server
    (our current indication that the responder is real boss), then we know this
    interface is the real control net.  So we hardwire the speed/duplex on
    *every other* interface at this time.  Also had to resurrect a hack to
    issue a few tmcc calls before running the sethostname script.  Apparently,
    the first few DNS queries after a speed/duplex change may get lost.  This
    causes tmcd calls to fail occasionally.  So make em fail early before we
    try to do anything important.
    Yuk, yuk, yuk.