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  • Leigh B. Stoller's avatar
    Neuter the perltie stuff under perl 5.8 since it does not work properly. · 85488e5b
    Leigh B. Stoller authored
    I got close to getting it to work by adding this:
    	sub FILENO  { my $this = shift; fileno($$this) }
    	sub CLOSE   { my $this = shift; close($$this) }
    	sub OPEN {
    	    my $this = shift;
    	    close($$this) if defined(fileno($$this));
    	    @_ == 1 ? open($$this, $_[0]) : open($$this, $_[0], $_[1]);
    But subprocesses were not seeing the right stdout/stderr after doing
    something like:
    	open(STDERR, ">> $logname");
    	open(STDOUT, ">> $logname");
    So, I will let Kevin work on it; I've spent too much time on it