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  • David Johnson's avatar
    Add Linux exp firewall support for virt_node_public_addr addresses. · 798f9b6f
    David Johnson authored
    A new tmcd command, publicaddrinfo, just dumps the relevant bits of
    virt_node_public_addr to any node in an experiment that has addrs
    allocated (we don't want to restrict based on calling node_id or
    Then the generic getfwconfig() function calls that, and sets some bits.
    I also extended this function to add some dynamic clientside vars
    firewall rule writers can use them to refer to the control net IPs of
    nodes in their experiment (i.e., node-0.EMULAB_EXPDOMAIN); and so that
    rules can be written over EMULAB_PUBLICADDRS -- a command-delineated
    list of IP addrs).
    Finally, I extended the Linux firewalling code to allow any experiment
    node to answer ARPs for the public IP addresses; we can't know a priori
    which node should answer -- and it could change.
    This closes #353 .