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  • Dan Reading's avatar
    Checknode should be ready for prime-time · 6cc8cf46
    Dan Reading authored
    * remove check for gather arg, use TESTINFO from tmcc hwinfo
      instead. Only call tmcc once. Let non-MFS boot collect data.
    * tmcc hwinfo not return a TESTINFO line. Handle the LOGDIR, COLLECT
      and CHECK indicators
    * Do to variable scoping make sure everything runs in the shell.
      Do not 'exit' from called programs. Source called programs instead
      of starting new shells.
    * Nothing wrong with the which() function I put in since the
      MFS/busybox installation does not have one, but if we have a real
      which(1) program use it.
    * output format changes and programming space changes
    * remove check for gather arg, use TESTINFO from tmcc hwinfo
      instead. Only call tmcc once. Let non-MFS boot collect data.
    * tmcc hwinfo not returning a TESTINFO line. Handle the LOGDIR, COLLECT
      and CHECK indicators
    * Do to variable scoping make sure everything runs in the shell.
    * Do not 'exit' from called programs. Source called programs instead of
      starting new shells.
    * Nothing wrong with the which() function I put in since the MFS/busybox
      installation does not have one, but if we have a real which(1) program
      use it.
    * call sub-programs by sourcing not by starting new shell.
    * oops mfsmode is not set until initialize is run. also set -e -u to
      catch this type of thing.
    Checknode tests once again run in standard images and can collect
    * All tests can now be "sourced" from gatherinv to insure everything
      runs in a single shell.
    * All tests can also be called standalone.
    * MFS mode and non-MFS mode honor the CHECK and COLLECT flags.
    * Create, if necessary, a new project save directory.
    * This will be needed once every-time checknodes is run in a new project.
      path is /proj/{pid}/nodecheck.
    * If script can't run quit with a 'return 0' so the rest of the checks
      can continue.
    Change filename gatherinv -> checknode
    * Can't run in MFS mode if not in the emulab-ops pid