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  • Mike Hibler's avatar
    You can now interact with grub on the d430s! · 4c76e8f0
    Mike Hibler authored
    Apparently, specifying "--unit==1" to grub did not work because grub
    didn't think it had a unit 1 (aka, COM2), so it rejected the "serial"
    command. Output still worked due to redirection (I think), but it was
    expecting input from the keyboard.
    It looks like the number of valid serial ports is compiled into grub and
    who knows how it was built for Ubuntu. Anyway, by specifying "--port=0x2F8"
    in addition, that will override the unit test and all is well. Strange.
    Also enhanced the Linux slicefix to deal with fixing /etc/default/grub so
    that those wacky console settings will remain in effect even if grub is
    re-configured (which some packages do).