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  • Leigh B. Stoller's avatar
    Add versioning support. This has been a minor problem, and is going to · 2d522296
    Leigh B. Stoller authored
    be a worse problem with remote nodes, where we will not be able to
    keep everyone up to date like we can in the local testbed case. I ran
    into this yesterday with the key distribution stuff for RON nodes,
    which require incompatable changes to the accounts info that is
    returned. So, tmcc now takes a [-v version] argument, which is passed
    through to tmcd in the request field. tmcd passes that version number
    (assumed to be an int) down, and the routines should look at that. We
    will need to make some structural changes in tmcd as we get more
    version skew, but for now this is fine. Anyway, tmcd/tmcc have a
    compiled in DEFAULT_VERSION (see decls.h). If no version is supplied,
    assume DEFAULT_VERSION (2), which covers all of the old images and yet
    to be updated current images. As the new tmcc makes it out, versions
    will be sent through. VERY IMPORTANT: The current version is placed in When you make incompatible changes, bump the version
    number is decls.h and, recompile and install a new tmcc
    and the new on the clients (and of course, tmcd on the
    Fixes to termination; Add signal handlers for HUP,INT,TERM, and make
    sure all the children get killed off before exiting. We still have
    some problems though; I think the children should wait until the
    current request is completed before exiting. I'll give that some more
    thought though since it easy to mess that stuff up (leave zombies).
    Add build_info[] to startup message to syslog. Good for debugging.
    Some minor cleanup and restructuring. Mike is gonna hate it.