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  • Leigh B Stoller's avatar
    Version 1 of the event clients. See attached message. · 2364ad56
    Leigh B Stoller authored
    From: Leigh Stoller <>
    Date: July 1, 2010 11:35:08 AM MDT
    Subject: Re: Event System Issues
    Mike and I exchanged a couple of email messages. Mike has indicated
    that we should drop all Elvin support. A nice goal, but not possible
    cause of the basic mistake I made in "version 0" of the event code.
    What we *can* do is stop *generating* the elvin hashes completely in
    Version 1. We also drop the elvin_gateway, thus no longer supporting
    ancient images that are still using the real elvin libraries. I am
    okay with this. Comment if you have objections.
    Version 0 elvin-compat (these are pubsub clients with ELVIN_COMPAT=1)
    binaries will work cause of the magic ___elvin_ordered___ flag, which
    actually tells the client that the hmac is a pubsub ordered hmac. (I
    know, I am just great at naming things). I just add this little flag
    to events in version 1.
    Version 0 non-elvin-compat binaries will not work, but this is okay.
    The only case this matters right now is Protogeni, where we need to be
    able to talk to non-elvin-compat binaries at remote sites. I have
    solved this with a version0 gateway as described in the previous
    message. ops will run a secondary pubsubd on another port, and the
    protogeni client startup code will have clients connect to that
    pubsubd instead. This is mostly tested, and it can roll out to other
    sites as needed, once we roll out cooked mode.
    Version 1 clients are fully interoperable.
    Lastly, we still need to be able to compare elvin HMACs coming from
    existing version 0 elvin-compat binaries (from our many many system
    and custom images). Thats cause all those images are still going to be
    generating the HMACs in elvin order, and so the server programs on ops
    (event scheduler, tevc, etc) need that elvin hashing code built into
    it. See first paragraph.
    Anyway, I have all this done and tested on my elabinelab. I had wanted
    to make it in time for code freeze, but not enough time to get proper
    debugging, so I will push once code freeze is over.