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  • Leigh B Stoller's avatar
    Clean up and reorg a few things, add some help popovers and text. · 149e10da
    Leigh B Stoller authored
    The control flow is kinda confusing, cause of the desire to hold off on
    converting the geni-lib script (reducing the time we are updating from the
    origin repo in the first please wait modal). Not really happy with how it
    turned out.
    I also need to change the code that does the initial fetch of a new repo,
    and then a delete. The only reason for this is so we do not leave dangling
    repos on our file system if the user wanders away before submitting the
    form. Need a better way to deal with this, many options available, but
    probably need to do something soon since the overhead (second fetch) on
    larger repos will be annoying.