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  • David Johnson's avatar
    Better handle systemd-networkd chattiness in control net search. · 126ef78e
    David Johnson authored
    systemd-networkd and friends have become very chatty.  This commit
    is about turning down the noise.  It also removes PreferredLiftime=forever
    because it is no longer valid where it used to be, and cannot be used
    apparently in the DHCP case.  Seems that the default is now "forever"
    anyway, so it's now irrelevant to us.  (Older systemd-networkds would
    set the address lifetime to the advertised lease.)
    We also only mark an iface with CriticalConnection=yes once that iface
    has been chosen as the control net.  We used to just mark them all
    in the udev helper so that we didn't have to modify the generated
    config after successful detection, but now systemd-networkd complains
    about bringing down a searched-but-not-control-net interface if
    it is critical.  So, avoid that.
    Finally, I added `-q` to our invocation of systemd-networkd-wait-online,
    and increased the timeout with which we call it.  Timeout increase is
    because we would get spurious event loop disconnect messages without it;
    and q to quiet it in other ways.  Ugh.